Monday, February 16, 2009

Forclosures, what will Obama do about them?

President Obama is going to sign a $787 billion stimulus bill to help with preventing foreclosures. Obama is trying to get us out of the economic crisis and the only one worse than this was the gread depression in the 30's. Press Secratary Robert Gibbs believes that "things will get worse before they get better." The stimulus package Obama passed with out approval of the house and very few senators. There are alot of steps to this process but if everything goes as planned Obama will slowly bring the United States out of the economic crisis and we won't reach rock bottom.
My Opinion:
I think Obama is on the right track to improving the economy. His stimulus package will help lots of Americans. I don't think that four years will be enough time to recover fully but i guess we will see where things go with the next election. The full recovery will take several years and I do not believe that America will come fully out of debt but the start is great! We have a new president with new ideas. His ideas can improve the economy, our war status and like Liz mentioned in her blog he is working on improving our cybersecurtiy too. As a country we have come a long ways and hopefully Obama can help us improve our successes.

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