Thursday, March 26, 2009


A man from Florida was arrested by the Dancing with the Stars studio Tuesday night while trying to sneak in. This man had two loaded guns with him. He is charged with stalking and misdemeanors for having the guns, but is held on a $35,000 bail which prosecutors plain to get raised to $220,000. He had several love letters and all his belongings with him because he believed he was wanted.

I think this is a scary situation and is being handled well. The guy is a stalker and should not be out and hopefully is is charged with time. I'm glad they caught the guy I can't even imagine having a stalker to that extent i mean yeah people who bother you or try to talk to you a lot, but to move near you when you don't know them real well and be convinced your meant to be together is just creepy. That is messed up and there should be punishment.


Flood In Fargo

Summary: The Red River is beginning to raise and is said to be about forty feet by march 27 local and distant communities are all going to help with sandbag there was around 2,000 of them. The last huge flood they had with this river was in 1997 and it was 39.6 feet.

Opinion: I think its great that so many volunteers are ready to go and help out in a case like this. That flood is huge 40 feet of water is great amounts and takes lots of work to help prevent and stop. I believe that in a time like this you should help because if something terrible were to happen to my town i would want support from others to help get through and make it with my family and our possessions.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Plain Crashes-17 dead.

In Bozeman, Montanan a plain crashed 500 feet away from the runway. The plain was built in 2001 and no problems occurred prior to the crash, which oddly occurred next to a cemetery. So far authorities only know of seventeen dead; however ranging from children to adults.

I think that the airlines need to do safety inspections on their planes as all do and other than that accidents happen. I mean every time you hop in a car or walk down stairs something could happen. It doesn't always but accidents happen every day so yes the plain crashed but they did a safety test and it was an accident. It took peoples lives but that is a risk you take every day, and hopping on a plain you should know that there is a chance for accident after all nobody is perfect.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Taxes for Stem Cell Research

Summary: President Obama wants to get rid of Bush's limitations on tax money going to stem cell research. Some doctors believe Bush's presidency was eight years wasted for research and improvement on this procedure. The debate came down to weather Yong embryos are life or not Bush believed so and Obama thinks its OK to kill them for research. With this research scientists plan on taking stem cells (cells not yet designated to a certain area and can transform into anything these are only possible at embryonic stages) from embryos and transform them into cells needed for cures and helping diseased people.

My Opinion: I strongly disagree with this. I think even at that stage in embryonic phases it is a life you are taking and that's not OK. Besides the life your working with one is already ill why take a life of a baby who could have a perfectly healthy life to MAYBE cure someone who is older anyways. I agreed with Bush i don't want my tax money going to a cause like this i am completely against. I do like science and it has come a long ways and they can find other ways to cure illness and disease than killing embryos.


Friday, March 6, 2009

College For All

I read Laurens blog about Obama believing that everybody should go to college. Some people agree others think that everyone gets prepared in high school but college is a choice, or like Richard Vedder belives that some people just are not motivated or do not want to go to college or cannot handle the work load. Directors of colleges say everybody is capeable of going past high school if they want to.

I agree with Lauren when she says not everybody is motivated enough for the work at college. I also agree that everybody should have the opprotunity to try college and see. Some people wont be able to handle the work; however it might be a great thing for some people. College is supposed to be a challange but everybody deserves a chance at it.
