Sunday, March 8, 2009

Taxes for Stem Cell Research

Summary: President Obama wants to get rid of Bush's limitations on tax money going to stem cell research. Some doctors believe Bush's presidency was eight years wasted for research and improvement on this procedure. The debate came down to weather Yong embryos are life or not Bush believed so and Obama thinks its OK to kill them for research. With this research scientists plan on taking stem cells (cells not yet designated to a certain area and can transform into anything these are only possible at embryonic stages) from embryos and transform them into cells needed for cures and helping diseased people.

My Opinion: I strongly disagree with this. I think even at that stage in embryonic phases it is a life you are taking and that's not OK. Besides the life your working with one is already ill why take a life of a baby who could have a perfectly healthy life to MAYBE cure someone who is older anyways. I agreed with Bush i don't want my tax money going to a cause like this i am completely against. I do like science and it has come a long ways and they can find other ways to cure illness and disease than killing embryos.


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